twitter 白丝 Project Gutenberg eBook of 西海紀遊草 (Xi hai ji you cao) Reminiscences ofWestern Travels
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twitter 白丝 Project Gutenberg eBook of 西海紀遊草 (Xi hai ji you cao) Reminiscences ofWestern Travels

Transcriber’s Note

There are only two extant copies of Reminiscences of Western Travels (西海紀遊草 Xi hai ji you cao), written by the first Chinese traveler to the United States in 1849. One is in private hands in China; the other is housed in the New York Public Library. There are significant differences between the two. The former was the source of the 1985 revised edition*, published in China, but this eBook is based on the latter. For further details, please see "Transcriber's Notetwitter 白丝, Part 2" and "A note about the author’s names and the book title's translation" at the end of this document. See also my online project.


There are uncommon characters in the Chinese transcription. If they do not appear on your screen, you will need to download and install a suitable font. Alternatively, you may refer to the photos of the original book's pages. Typographical errors in the American newspaper and periodical reports were not corrected.


第一位遠赴好意思國遊歷的華东说念主,於1849年著作的“西海紀遊草” [Reminiscences of Western Travels], 現今碩果僅存兩個珍本。其中一册,為中國私东说念主保藏;另一册,是紐約群众圖書館的藏書。兩書之間,有顯著 差別。中國岳麓書社於1985年出书的校訂本*,是跟據前者編撰,而我的電子書內容則以 後者為藍本編寫。詳情請參閱本文結尾的英文按語 , 及關於作家名字和書名翻譯的註釋, 亦請瀏覽我的綱頁。

在中语的謄本中,有些罕見的漢字,若是沒有出現在屏幕上,您需要下載安裝合適的字 體;另一個可行武艺是參考原書每頁的像片。至於在好意思國報刊報说念中出現的付梓錯誤,均會原文收錄,不作 翻新。


*Lin Zhen 林鍼. "Xi hai ji you cao 西海纪游草 ." ...twitter 白丝

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